Saturday, February 20, 2016

Legislative Index

A searchable Legislative Index is available here.  It shows all members assigned to each committee and all legislation assigned to each committee.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

New Jersey Model Congress Manual

This year's Model Congress Manual is available here.  It contains all of the background material for the Congress, including our standing rules, forms, procedures and detailed descriptions of each step throughout the year.

Party Platforms

All three party platforms are available here.  They are the basis for each party's legislative targets.

House Bill Packet

All bills that have been assigned to the House are available here.  They are sorted into committees.  Each student should be familiar with the legislation assigned to his or her committee.

Senate Bill Packet

All bills that have been assigned to the Senate are available here.  They are sorted into committees.  Each student should be familiar with the legislation assigned to his or her committee.